We have created this new line of streamlined and focused wellness checks for compliance programs as a great way for organizations to check in on compliance efforts without breaking the bank in the process. Our wellness checks work well for organizations that are just starting out – and for more established compliance programs that want a simple check-in to confirm that they are headed in the right direction as the work to establish and implement compliance processes matures.
COMPLIANCE PROGRAM WELLNESS CHECK. We have streamlined the compliance program evaluation process we typically use for clients who request a formal compliance program effectiveness evaluation, or who are required by a Corporate Integrity Agreement to bring in an expert to advise organizational leaders on the effectiveness of a CIA required compliance program. Our compliance program wellness check will consider key elements and components of your existing compliance program; will provide you (and your executive team and/or board at your request) feedback on how well the program measures up to industry guidance and standards; and will help you identify key opportunities to get the most “bang for your buck” as you work to move the compliance program to the next level of effectiveness.
RESEARCH COMPLIANCE WELLNESS CHECK. Our Research Compliance Wellness Check evaluates the health of compliance risk controls related to human research protection (IRB), clinical research billing, research study management, and FDA audit readiness. Our approach is designed to accommodate organizations that have a formal research compliance program as well as those that do not have a formal structure for research compliance. For organizations that have not yet formalized their research compliance processes, the Research Compliance Wellness Check can be a great way to begin the process of assembling the existing risk controls and planning for improvements.
PRIVACY COMPLIANCE WELLNESS CHECK. The Privacy Compliance Wellness Check focuses on an organization’s compliance processes for assuring protection of individually identifiable health information under HIPAA. We will evaluate your organization’s administrative, physical, and technical safeguards designed to protect information as required by HIPAA and will also evaluate infrastructure utilized to manage privacy training, inquiries, health records requests, and tracking of business associate agreements. Our approach is designed to evaluate and provide feedback on the effectiveness of an organization’s privacy policies, training programs, business associate identification, and tracking processes, breach assessment and corrective action processes, as well as physical measures implemented to protect the privacy of health information.
REFERRAL SOURCE/PHYSICIAN ARRANGEMENTS COMPLIANCE WELLNESS CHECK. Employing tools and processes we use to conduct CIA-required Focus Arrangements IRO reviews, we’ll conduct a streamlined review of your organization’s compliance processes that are focused on Stark Law and Antikickback Statue compliance in arrangements with physicians and referral sources. Our evaluation will include both a look at your organization’s policies, systems, and processes for assuring compliance; and a review of a sample of physician/referral source arrangements to test your organization’s adherence to regulatory requirements, and to the policies and processes that you have established. The Referral Source/Physician Arrangements Compliance Wellness Check is a great way to evaluate your existing processes and/or to establish a roadmap for developing a new Focus Arrangements Compliance Program.
COMPLIANCE RISK ASSESSMENT/ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT WELLNESS CHECK. Periodic risk assessment is critical to compliance program effectiveness. Whether your organization is new to conducting a compliance risk assessment or is working to integrate the compliance risk assessment into a larger enterprise-wide risk assessment and management process, our seasoned professionals will work with you to design a process that evaluates your current risk assessment tools and processes and recommends tools and approaches that you can use to strengthen this critical component of your organizational compliance program.